Buffet Samples
Sample Buffets
Grazing Stations Cocktail Supper
Vegan Buffet
Vegetarian Fish Eating Luncheon
Through the Decades Buffet
Vegetarian Buffet with a Punch
Office Reception on the Lighter side
North South East and West
Italian Shabbat
Kosher Cocktail Buffet
Kosher Hors d’oeuvres Reception
Lovely Summer Vegetarian Buffet
Easy Appetizer Buffet
The Luck of the Irish
Vegetarian Lunches or Light Suppers
Hors d’oeuvre Celebration with the Girls
Young Adult Breakfast Kiddush Luncheon
Adult Breakfast Kiddush Luncheon
Indoor Picnic any Season
International Hand held Tasting
Dairy Parve Supper
Ladies’ Shower Brunch
Gluten and Dairy Free Tea Time
Mediterranean Buffet
Hors d’oeuvre Buffet
Garden Wedding in the Morning
My Aunt’s 60th Birthday Party
Cocktail Reception Open House
Holiday Dinner around the Dining Room Table
Greek Repast
Drop by Casual Holiday Get Together
Thank You Party for 25 Years of Hard Work
Ladies Gather for Luncheon
Realtor’s Open House Luncheon
Supper before Chastain
Corporate Retirement Cocktail Party
Farmer’s Table Buffet
The Office at Home for Christmas
House Boat Buffet on the River
Engagement Party at Home
Corporate Holiday Party at the Bank
Dinner for the Board of Directors
Dinner at a French Cafe
Your Corporate Holiday Party
Baby’s Coming Home Reception for the Family
Housewarming and Birthday Supper
See you at 7 Hors d’ouvres Buffet
Italian Picnic by the Pool
A Pool Party just for Fun
Station by Station Celebration
Holiday Office Cheer
Tapas Buffet
Caribbean Buffet
4th of July Celebration
Office Reception Hors d’oeuvre Buffet
The Partners Host a Cocktail Buffet
Comfort Food Buffet
Buffet After the Opera
Corporate Breakfast Buffet
Dinner after the Meeting Buffet
Passover Luncheon
Passover Brunch Buffet
Let’s Do It a Little Differently
Happy 100th Birthday Celebration
Brunch without the Bagels!
Kicked Up Southern Buffet
Country-by-Country International Cuisine
Asian Buffet
Summer Brunch Buffet
Breakfast Buffet
Dinner with Old Friends
Celebrate Spring
Warm and Cozy by the Fireplace
Cocktail Buffet Before the Symphony
Light Summer Hors d’oeuvres Buffet
Working Lunch Buffet
Tired of Lox and Bagels Brunch!!!
Breakfast Buffet at the Office
A French American Picnic Pique – nique François
Ready to Picnic
Here Comes the Bridal Luncheon